Reasons Why You Have To Check The Labels Of Your Cosmetic Products

There are thousands of chemicals in your products and most of them are being absorbed into your body. These companies have the right to use any ingredient or raw material without government review or approval.

These synthetic chemicals are;

Skin irritants,
Skin penetrators,
Hormone disruptors
The only thing we the consumers can do is read ingredient lists carefully in order to avoid chemicals that are known to be harmful, even though they continue to be widely used.

Toxic Chemicals to Avoid
Parabens are usually used as preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and yeast in cosmetic products. But parabens possess estrogen-mimicking properties that may lead to breast cancer. Parabens get absorbed through the skin and they cause serious damage. They can be found in deodorants, makeup, shampoos, body washes and facial cleansers. They can also lead to endocrine disruption and reproductive toxicity. You should totally stay away from these chemicals.

Synthetic colours
The synthetic colors are used to make  cosmetic products “pretty” but they should be avoided at all costs together with hair dyes. They will be labeled as FD&C or D&C, followed by a color and a number. Example: FD&C Red No. 6 / D&C Green No. 6. Synthetic colors are believed to be cancer-causing agents. If a cosmetic contains them, don’t use it.

Fragrance is used to produce a pleasant scent. The term “fragrance” or “parfum” on a cosmetic ingredients list usually hides a complex mixture of dozens of chemicals. Some 3,000 chemicals are used as fragrances. Fragrance mixes have been associated with allergies, dermatitis, respiratory distress and potential effects on the reproductive system. It can be found in many products such as perfume, cologne, conditioner, shampoo, body wash and moisturizers.

Tricolson is a widely used antimicrobial chemical that is known as an endocrine disruptor  and a skin irritant. It is said that triclosan contributes to making bacteria antibiotic-resistant. Tricolson can be found in toothpastes, antibacterial soaps and deodorants.

Triethanolamine is often used in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for cleansers. TEA causes allergic reactions including eye problems, dryness of hair and skin, and could be toxic if absorbed into the body over a long period of time.

Formalin preservatives are used in many cosmetic products to help prevent bacteria growth. This chemical was deemed as a human carcinogen by The International Agency for Research on Carcinogens (IARC) and has been linked to nasal and nasopharyngeal cancers. It is known to cause allergic skin reactions and it may also be harmful to the immune system. It can be found in nail polish, body washes, conditioners, shampoos, cleansers, eye shadows, nail polish treatments.

 BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)

They are present in moisturizer, makeup, etc. Can cause cancer and interfere with hormone function. Harmful to fish and other wildlife. BHA and BHT are closely related synthetic antioxidants used as preservatives in lipsticks and moisturizers, among other cosmetics. They are also widely used as food preservatives.

Other chemicals include Phthalates, Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Toluene, Talc, Propylene glycol, and so on.

It’s impossible to avoid everyone of the synthetic chemical but we can do our part in limiting the amount of toxins your body is exposed to. Try and eat clean, avoid chemical-laden processed foods, drink plenty of filtered water and look for products that are certified organic if you want to avoid these toxic chemicals.

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